Replacing Unifi Maxis Router with Fortinet

Fortigate 40c with Unifi router/ maxis router



1. For fortigate 40c, the GUI configuration are limited, so have to set it using CLI.

2. Type following command to create sub-interface

config system interface
edit unifi
set type vlan
set vlanid 500
set vdom root
set interface wan1
set allowaccess https

* vlan 500 for unifi, vlan 621 for maxis

3. After create the sub-interface. go to system -> network -> interface as you will see



4. right click the sub-interface -> edit

5. select pppoe, enter your username and password, save



6. Go to policy, Create New

7. set the policy as follow

Incoming interface: internal

source address: all

outgoing interface: unifi/maxis

destination address: all

schedule: always

service: all

action: accept

enable NAT



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